It has made me think about time. Not necessarily how time flys, it is actually the same everyday. Rather, it has me more concerned with how we spend our time. I know through the course of my life over half of it has been wasted selfishly and I can never get it back. Coming here has taught me many things and one very important one is fellowship. We need to spend our time investing in people (by the way I'm preaching to the choir). Jesus invested in people, not only that near the end of John he prayed for those who WOULD believe. Not only did he invest in people that were present at the time but people who were to come. Hey, he still does!
Time is something not to be wasted but it is something to be used for the good of this world, and so many use it for the demolition of the world. Our life is but a breath, and this is true, I feel an enormous urgency to catapult myself into the rest of my life where I am just a servant, and every waking moment I strive to let Christ shine through me. This is a difficult task, although it has the "just do it" factor to it, the problem is just doing it. Procrastination is a thing of the devil, and I stand by that theory.
So like they say in school, use your time wisely, you don't necessarily have to have a plan of action to go and serve others, or just lead a godly life. I challenge you to try, as well as I challenge myself.
All to God
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