Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Spring" break

Well I'm officially international now, I got my passport today after about a month and a half. I was warned the process of getting a passport takes forever but I'm relieved to have it now. It's spring break....yet the season is still winter. I don't think my school understands the technicality of SPRING break but nonetheless I'm excited to have a break. My sister is actually on a "mission" trip right now. Katie is spending her spring break in Florida, I know sounds shifty, but no really they are there to work. They are working with Habitat Humanity to build a house for someone who can't do it themselves.

I've been watching some of the Olympics and as they do anyone who watches them, they inspire me. That's sounds super cheesy but they do, but not in a way that most normal people would become inspired. I put it into a missional perspective. O.K. so there are two issues I want to point out here. So the other night there was this German girl who was competing in the ski slalom, and there was this American girl who also does ski slalom and something else. The German girl ate it on the course, on ski hit the gate pole and made her go down, and this girl cried like a heaving cry on the course. Her dreams could not be reality, yet the American girl on the sidelines was legitimately upset about her friends very unfortunate fall. This was pretty cool to see, The American embraced the German, although very simple and people have these relationships worldwide, it was good to see international peace.

The second issue I would like to talk about is the determination I see in these athletes. As I was watching this I thought, I wonder how much of a difference it would be in our walk with Christ if we had such determination. Also, what if we celebrated like they do after they just received their scores and found they had the best time that day. Not saying that winning people to Christ should be counted on a scoreboard, just saying our celebration should be about the same.

I've noticed I don't really have a lot of determination for much except to become a missionary and to deepen my relationship with Christ. My goal is to have such determination and confidence not in my self but in God to use every situation for His honor.

Also, I am happy to say that my funds for this summer are coming in, and I really feel like God wants me to do this. I still have money to raise for sure, but so far people have done for me what I did not have the faith to believe they would. God is working on me, and my faith has dramatically changed, I'm not perfect, just learning.

All to God.

Monday, February 22, 2010

He knows my troubles

Lots happened this weekend, so much stress I don't even know how I made it. Let's talk about this benefit concert me and Rachel put on this weekend, such a whirlwind of emotions. It was a concert for me and Rachel to take missions trips to Spain (Rachel) and Bosnia (Me). We knew it wouldn't bring in all the money we needed but we knew it would bring in some. There were four bands. Our friend Landon and his friend Trevor played some sweet instrumental music with just drums and guitar. The Delivery (you guys should check 'em out) they were an amazing group of guys. Micah Foxx ( Rachel's brother and his band) played some sweet reggae music and again another amazing group of guys. Last but not least the Micah Watson band, they brought sweet worship music into the mix. Seriously everyone should check these guys out they are some truly blessed and musically talented people.

So this was our worry, no one would show and we wouldn't make anything. Well our faith was obviously not at it's highest caliber that night, but God showed us whose boss. Only about 20 some people were in the chapel including some people with the bands. We were also selling stuff in the back. All in all we raked in over $400. What a blessing. Our faith was so tiny that night and God showed us what his people are willing to do. We have amazing brothers and sisters in Christ around us. The bands were very supportive of us and I know for sure that me and Rachel could not thank them enough.

God is working on my faith and I feel it and I am so excited to see where that leads me. I love Him so and I am willing to do whatever it takes to get as close to Him as possible. Thanks to everyone who came out, thanks to the bands, and thanks to an amazing God who without Him I wouldn't be trying to go to Bosnia for His purposes anyway. Thanks guys.

All to God.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

different things

It's that time of the week again. Ok so here's the deal, I have been a bit late in calling churches and this is something that next time I am raising support I WILL NOT hesitate on no matter how busy I get. I called all the churches and only one picked up the phone, and they said that they were not funding anymore mission efforts because they were raising money themselves to build a new building. Which for a slight second a thought crossed my mind of judgement but immediately I told myself that I do not know their situation who am I to judge them when I don't even know all the details.

Soon I will be asking my home church could I speak at some service to present myself and my passion. My church knows I am a mission major and they are glad of that but they haven't really had the chance to feel my passion and I am saddened by this. I have such a passion for missions and my own church hasn't felt that yet within me. It is my fault really, but I aim to correct that.

So I got my weekly finance report from Team Expansion again this week and I saw $30.00. Praise! It's only thirty bucks but that is thirty dollars the Lord has provided me with! He opened the heart of the giver and that is a blessing in itself. I have had a lot of givers and partners raise their heads and for them and those praying I am eternally grateful. I still have a long ways to go in raising funds for this mission but God is on His throne and this means that I am being well looked after. Praise Him!

All to God.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

people are amazing

This journey, my first fundraising experience, is becoming more encouraging. In the past few weeks I have been worried about raising this money. I mean it's the middle of February, my first due day is only a little over a month away, no responses, no one really seeming interested. This made me become a little disheartened by the lack of enthusiasm, then I couldn't count myself out of the equation.

I felt lacking in spreading the news, in asking and all that because honestly I was afraid. I didn't want to ask people for money, it's their money, I didn't earn it. I kept hearing people say, well it's God's money people shouldn't feel threatened when you ask them. This is so very true. I kept getting weekly financial reports from Team Expansion (the organization I am going through with this internship) and found this: $0.00. So much for feeling encouraged, I prayed and still do pray to God that He will open up His servants hearts so that they might see the need.

God comes through, He does, and with what I've seen, and even though I haven't reached my goal I catch glimpses of light. In the last couple of weeks there were a few individuals that God opened their hearts. These individuals I don't know very well which makes God even more awesome. He is showing me slowly that I do have to have faith in people, of course not nearly as much as I should in Him but these are His people so who am I not to have faith in them?

They have inspired me, that when I am in any position to give to a missionary "in training" financial support then I should. I am also one of His people so I do not exclude myself from the opportunity, if not the privilege to give to someone who will do the Lord's work. My God is a fantastic God and His people are indeed made in His image. They will go with me to Eastern Europe, they will be with me when I see things I've never seen, when I witness things I never thought I would, when I minister to those who are in need. My appreciation cannot be expressed through words.

All to God.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

blindly walking

So far in my journey into this summer I have tried some tactics to raise money. It is becoming more and more evident that God's people are better than baking stuff and selling them and making profit. Of course I knew this before, it is just so much more clear than when you just think about it. I haven't spoken in any churches, I haven't presented myself. I've sent letters and no responses, however this would worry me but in all honesty I'm not freaking out like I thought I would by this time with no responses. My mom is a wonderful woman, she is helping me by taking stuff to her work to sell, though it doesn't make an outrageous amount I'm still appreciative of her time and effort and what it does bring in. She is most definitely a child of God.

However I haven't heard much from churches, but I understand the process of board meetings and things. Once a month doesn't move very fast, although I do feel an urgency I have a feeling that God is going to show me something spectacular out of his people and their willing hearts. I have been thinking a lot about faith for the past couple of weeks. I have evaluated my level of faith and have decided I need a boost. I am striving to come to the point where I can fully walk by faith, and not look where I take my next step.

I learned this while duck hunting with my brother-in-law one very cold morning at about 4:30 am; When you step into the swamp you have to feel underneath your foot to decipher whether you will hit a log that will make you stumble and fall deeper into the swamp. Each step you take could send you into the murky depths of the swamp, cold and wet, oh yeah and miserable. The swamp at 5 am is not a very bright place so you are literally walking by faith with a little caution tagging along. Although you do have a fancy little light that is strapped around your head, believe me it's not much of a huge help.

The worst thing is being wet and cold, my sister Annie always says that her hell can't be made of fire, it has to be cold (she absolutely can't stand the cold). But this trip in retrospect was a great teacher of walking by faith and not by sight and having Christ guide you. Now I am going to compare my brother-in-law to Christ in this situation because he led me along watching after me so that I wouldn't fall. At odd moments I would hear him say "now watch out there is a big log here that your gonna have to step over and it's loose so be careful." Without him guiding me I would've been head deep in that swamp within minutes of stepping in.

I want that kind of faith in this mission. Every aspect I want to be faithful in God to provide as I work in doing my part. It is a little stressful but I know that if I have that faith then why worry? God says He knows our needs and he will provide for us. God is pretty amazing when we see what He can do, but even without that tangible evidence he is still pretty amazing.

All to you God.