Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Wanderer

I am a wanderer, even from where I sit many times I am not where I am. My mind races with places so far from my home I could stare for hours at the pictures in my mind's eye. That's the only place I can wander the Earth free of charge without counting the cost, without hurting anything or anyone. 

But there are days where my body does wander, physically over the face of the Earth encountering, interacting. This is where it becomes real, the contrast of life, how love is translated through culture, how "American" really means uncultured and desensitized. Those are the days it's real.

From happiness of seeing the sun in a different part of the world, to the sadness in realizing how many we have lost everyday by being uninterested and unobservant. Because it becomes so real. When it's a reality that "Western Christian" really means loving only the church building and not the Church, when we find the Bible becoming redundant, and when we view sin as a laughing matter. This is when it is real.

Oh but the day dawns in a foreign land and a woman smiles at the words she received; the first translation of the entire Bible in her own heart language. There it is real. The moment that a boy in a village far away finds Jesus and plants Him in his heart to sit and grow like a wildly planted flower. A father's pride when he can say of his entire house "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."

Oh it is real, across the world where food is different, people are unique, and the coffee is abundant. It is real, when the orphan finds rest in a place where Christ is central, when a widow is shown Christ-like love such as never been shown to her, when a common whore is shown the scars of Christ realizing that unlike her scars, these can heal her. Oh my friends, it's real. 

I am a wanderer, my mind wanders, my body wanders and where they both go they know the possibility of showing Christ within. Seeing a spark light up where there was once darkness, feeling a heart leap as it has found it's first lover, eyes widening in reverence to the Everlasting, Almighty, Sovereign God who saved them all.

It's real, and it's here, and it's poetic. It fills every human sense and it sends me to wander, in it's light I'll wander. 

All to God

1 comment:

  1. Emilie, you write words that I think on a daily basis. I long for the day when I am where my heart is tugging me. I know you feel the same. Most days I have to realize that for the time being, the pictures in my head are sufficient for now. That kinda sucks, but God knows what he is doing.
