Friday, July 27, 2012

July Grumpies

Working in a place where you sell souvenirs and overpriced candy makes you realize that this side of the tourist season makes most tourist a little grumpier for some odd reason. But on this side of summer I seem to be a little bit happier and more content and a little more dreamier for some reason which..I dig.

Because when your extended backyard looks like this:

You tend to find some perspective and dream a little more. I can see why most of those tourists are grumpy, soon they will have to leave and not come back for a whole year, but while it's still warm even in the off season I can dip my toes in the water all I want.

It's kinda nice.

All to God.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Love Through Prayer (this month)

As some of you know and many of you do not, the "holy" month of Ramadan for the Islamic faith has recently begun. I ask you to pray for this sensitive time for those who practice Islam so that in their wandering through their fasting and praying that somehow God would use this to open doors for them to see him in his true light.

I am praying for these people and those who are already ministering to them in Christ's name. That they might be bold to tell the story of Jesus and that the people might be bold enough to open their hearts to the message of the Messiah; why he came and why he is coming again and who we should be because of that. It is a time of prayer for the Christian as well so that the fastest growing religion might breakdown their walls to a God who loves and who is righteous.

Love on these people through prayer and compassion constantly but keep them in mind specifically this month. Would you devote some time in prayer for these people this month?

All to God

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Letter, Get One.

So the week rolls on with a work-filled Saturday. Two kinds of work actually, on the one hand I worked my usual job, a full 8 hours in my usual store. BUT another job that I had today was finishing up my support letter!


SO as you might tell I am very excited about this. Now the next thing that has to be done is to send them. Oh  in the sending of them..I always seem to have a component missing, like a while ago I didn't have any stamps. Well now I don't have ink in my printer nor is my printer linked up to this computer and alas I do not have the disc to do such.

BUT I will assess this conundrum in a timely manner.

Luckily there is a the power of technology and there is e-mail! So that's always a good thing. Also E-MAILS...

SEND ME EMAILS OR HOME ADDRESSES know only if you want to get the letter

Well, lets get this ball rolling!

All to God

Friday, July 13, 2012


So as I sit here eating a very delicious bowl of Wendy's chili at midnight, I must exclaim:


I'm very tired and very hungry and work was a beat in the face that reminds me that these kind of jobs are not my calling in this life. But it also reminds me that I must go through this now for the bigger concept of how my life might pan out. 

And oh, how I am yearning to get to that point, when these small jobs become significant stepping stones to bring me further down the road and help me see clearer where the path is leading me. I thank God a lot that I have this job to see me through my financial needs and I thank him for providing for me in so many ways. I also thank him for allowing me to see bits and pieces of what he has for me in the future so that it might get me through the not so desirable yet important jobs that should help me.

Some weeks are rougher than others, if there is one important skill that God has taught me and is still teaching me through my years is the dreaded patience. I thank him for helping me wait it out, without his masterful tutelage I would be fuming out of the ears ready to get out of here and do what I want to do and not care about anything else.

And who wants to be friends with that kind of person?

Well I'll continue to ponder over my chili and sleep off another hard evening at work ready to wake up and take on another one.

All to God 

Raging Seas

Have you ever had a day where it seems that everything seems to be going exceptionally well? Me too, well almost. Yesterday I had a great first half of the day but then when I got to work that day that had been so good turned into a big ugly mess.
Every time I turned around I was doing something wrong. At most every moment I needed help with something. I'm sure that every customer thought I was the new kid on the block even though I have been there for two months.
Anywho, though I had a terrible work day I came home with a blistering feeling of annoyance with myself. All of a sudden I realized that I couldn't keep this self-loathing feeling up or my night would have ended with the sun going down on my anger.
Even being angry with myself I couldn't let my anger be my last emotion before I went to sleep. So, I started thanking God for all the good things and blessings that he had given me that very day.
So I guess what I'm saying is that although I may have had a really bad night, by the end of it I had to think of the positivity that I had earlier that day. Thanking God and giving him all the praise even in the terrible funk I was in helped me not only sleep but feel a sense of peace that only really comes from knowing that there is a Father who does give us that peace even when we feel that the peace inside of us has been utterly rocked.
It's a love that moves us through our troubled souls. It's a love that calms the very raging  seas.
All to God
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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Solo Oh No, and Other News

I've been working a lot, I've been building relationships with people in my new community and that feels good. I have found a church to be my constant and I am excited about where that might lead me. I have been very busy lately so I am sorry for not writing to you all for a while.

Well life is moving and I can see God putting people in my path. He is teaching me more and more that outside of the "Bible college bubble" that ministry is life. I am grateful for this intensive course in ministry and I don't even have to draw a loan for it!

In other news there is a lot to be done and I wouldn't be human if I never admitted my nervousness in how it will all pan out in regards to next year. I have so much faith in God that it will come together for my good as he knows what is best for me. I have not seen the door close yet so I will go along this path that I am taking these days, but the good news is I don't have to walk it alone.

Often times we are catching this contagious sickness that I will deem the "solo oh no" simply because it rhymes. But what this sickness' side effects contain are: a feeling you are the only one going through something or challenged by something, discouragement, fear, doubt, and possible anger may occur.

The cure of this "solo oh no" is remembering that you are not alone physically, spiritually, or emotionally. There are others out there in this tiny world that are doing or going through some of the same things that you are, thus having the same feelings. There is also a God who understands and knows that it ain't all peach cobblers on a warm summer afternoon around here.

I am a culprit or victim (however you look at it) of "solo oh no" when it comes to things like paying off school debt and still making it overseas next year. These are anxieties that I have most and that I know that I am not the only one trying to do either of those things but sometimes it still gets to me. And if you let him, God will sort it out in yours and my willing hands.

Life is good and exciting, and challenging, but we have been given the tools to accept that challenge and meet those expectations.

All to God