A lot has went down in the last few days here on the campus of MACU. It's been a hard few days, no one really seems to understand, no one can really grasp it. Through all of this I am saddened by all the things that have gone on, the real facts, and unfortunately the rumors. But what most fills my heart I think isn't anger (thank God) but love. This involves two people I never really got to know that well, but something inside of me feels like my family has been dealt a blow. I call them brothers and there is no time for animosity anyway.
Some are distraught more than others, some put more emphasis on one than the other (I'm sorry for being so vague), but I feel I see it all equally. All I have to say is that Satan won't win...he can't. How can he when we believe in a God who rules the entire world, even rules over Satan himself. I don't feel it necessary to give into Satan's will and be angry or shut down, my Father has him under control. He won't give us anything to big to bear, we have prayed, worshiped, loved, leaned, and we are healing. We are His sons and daughters, he will care for us.
I wish I could just find the one we deem "responsible" for all of this and tell him, we love him, we are praying, and as long as he has breath in his lungs he has the chance to walk with God still. After all Jesus did forgive the criminal at the cross, and I firmly believe that that man went with Him to paradise. We can do the same. As for me, I see his imperfections, but more than this I see his heart, I see a life that I believe is still living for Jesus.
There is no time for anger, bitterness, hatred, and anything else that could divide us. We are the family who forgives, we are Christians. Let's not be a stereotype, let's not be hypocritical as the world sees us. Remember to God, every sin is equal, some in human eyes more shocking than others, but no one can throw a stone, we have to lay them down at the feet of our everlasting Father, Creator God, who knows all things and is merciful.
I'm sorry if some that are reading this are incredibly confused, I just didn't want to say to much over the internet, it's not that safe of a place to be putting information.
Anyway, approach each other in these tense times with love. We are not here to condemn, but to build up and strengthen one another.
My brothers and sisters let's be a light to this world, they have given us the chance, let's show them how it's done.
All to God