More than anything I want to know God, love God, and feel God. God is my ultimate desire, He is the one being that my trust is completely in, that I can't fully understand but want to so badly! I want to give thanks to Jesus more, daily grasp that He lives in my heart, contemplate His words daily, and have Him as my guide to figure out this life of mine. It's almost like hanging onto a cliff because you are to afraid to fall, and your so high up that the clouds cover the ground, and someone on the cliff tells you to loosen your grip. When you finally do, you are scared to death but at the same time you feel the exhilaration of the free fall. As you get closer to the ground you brace yourself for impact only to find yourself swooped up by an eagle, or something romantic like that. But that's how God's love is, it's romantic. The Bible is romantic, the playing out of His plan is romantic.
God desires that I follow Him closely, does He need me too? No, He's God, He really needs nothing, but He wants me, He desires me to love Him just as He loves me. How incredible! The God of the entire anything you can think of that has been discovered or undiscovered desires a speck on the earth like me. He calls me, He counsels me, He gave up His life with pain for me.
The days grow shorter, until the end of this semester, until my first real mission trip, until my first overseas experience, even until the day the Lord appears on the earth again, and I want to bring many with me.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.
God is with us, He is in us, and we shall fear no evil, we should fear nothing, the light of the world is in us!
All to God
AMEN! :) what a good post dude. So soked about what God is going to show us this summer!