Saturday, August 28, 2010

Random thoughts at the moment

There are days where I just feel like writing something. It's always been an outlet for me so I'm glad to be able to share my thoughts with those who don't mind reading. Well right now I'm sitting at home with a small dog asleep by my leg. The TV is on and my mother and sister are gone and won't be back for a while. My dad has a bad headache so he's not much for socializing right now. My brother-in-law has gone to take his grandad fishing. Last but not least my other sister is in Virginia. So essentially they have left me alone with my thoughts.

I miss Bosnia..big surprise there (that right there is sarcasm). I think about it everyday, and everyone that I miss there. I see my work load and I am GOING to tackle it and I like my classes but boy it's a lot. I didn't notice until today how tired I really was. I feel a growing love for complete strangers, which is something I have been praying about. I miss eating rice almost everyday. There is a need for more exercise in my life.

So this blog is basically just random thoughts that come to my head, sorry I'm not more interesting tonight. Peace out cool kids.

All to God

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