Monday, April 29, 2013

Holy Huddle Batman!

Wow, I've been thinking about STUFF ya'll, all kinds of stuff. But the biggest thing that I have been thinking about lately is a phrase that I heard used by the Rend Collective Experiment called the "holy huddle." I've been thinking about this because there have been many times in my life where I look around and SURPRISE most everyone I hang out with are Christians.

I've been thinking about this holy huddle syndrome that many of us fall into when we are around a massive amount of Christians wherever we are living. I think we become involved in each other's lives and we know that we are serving those who are in our church or believers in our communities but somehow we get lost in this jungle of safety, community, bonds, like-mindedness, and unity of belief. All of these things are great and they are necessities in the Christian life but honestly, I think we can get a little hung up.

Sometimes I yearn to be in the world (and not of it as the saying goes) and live among those who don't follow the same patterns as me. It is so good to break from the huddle and actually start the game. That's the huddle, we are so caught up in TALKING TALKING TALKING TALKING TALKING, and we forget to put our hands in, get psyched and go work our hardest.

Because it's really easy to "love thy neighbor" when your neighbor isn't AtheistMuslimBuddhistAgnosticDaoistHinduSpiritistAllotherbeliefsbesidesChristianity.

We've done a lot of talking, and maybe we do need to just go and relate to the people at the bar, or love on inner city people, hug a prostitute, get on a plane and go, love someone "unlovable." I don't know what it is but sometimes I feel like arms are wrapped so tightly around teammates' shoulders and nobody stops to say "Alright, get in there and play hard, because if you give it your all you've already won." 

The huddle is necessary, but only for a minute and after that, it's time to get back into the game, hydrated and motivated and maybe a slap on the butt.

Hands in guys.

All to God

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