Friday, June 7, 2013

Extending Family and Other Bits.

Ok, so I couldn't wait to write until I was in Europe...BUT next time I write I will definitely be in Europe because I bought my tickets there yesterday! I will be leaving this Tuesday and arriving on Wednesday and I'm PUMPED.

I'm not pumped about packing.

Packing for a summer is one thing, but packing for a year is another. I want to pack as little as possible but I also don't want to miss anything important. Plus I'm packing my faithful winter jacket, and a hoodie or two and they take up a lot of space. Plus, plus, I always have to stay within the regulations of the airlines with their weight limitations and all that jazz. It's a delicate line I'm walking but no matter! 

It is fortunate that I am a girl who can live without a lot of things and leave a lot of things. I'm excited, nervous, a little sad, and very ready to be where I want to be. I will miss the security of my family surrounding me and having friends...close-ish by (by close-ish I mean not across an ocean). However when thinking about it yesterday a thought popped into my mind.

It's OK Emilie, you will add onto your family when you get there,
and then family will surround you again.

It's true, I already have people I like to call family there, and friends that definitely fit the bill. I am excited to extend my family in such a way, and maybe even extend our family through Jesus, that would be the ultimate extension because that last for eternity. I am very excited to write to you from Europe and give you updates and happenings that go along with being uprooted and then planted again. It'll be fun, glad you are coming with me!

All to God

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