Saturday, November 6, 2010

A World Lined in Ink

Well, I have the whole world on my arm. Ok, so that some of you are not confused, I recently got a tattoo of the not a globe, a flat map. It's on the under side of my left arm, up near my BULGING bicep. Yeah, I'm not that muscular. Anyways, I love it, I love it because A) it's my very last tattoo, B) It's my (your, our) mission field.

Yeah I have the whole world on my arm, and I look at it everyday. It's the only tattoo of mine that isn't covered up completely all the time unless I have a long sleeve shirt on. I see it all the time and many emotions come over me when I look at it. The first is superficial, how stinkin SWEET it looks, the second is wow, this is a tiny little place we have. When I really focus on it I look it over and imagine the people in each place. I wonder what their lives are like right at this moment, I wonder if they know Jesus. By the way that would be the third if you were counting.

I don't have a picture of it or I would post it up here, guess you'll just have to come find me to see it :). I carry the world around on my body now, not because I worship it, not because I am of it, not even because I am in it temporarily, I carry it because Jesus carried it. I am not comparing myself to Jesus, Just as John the Baptist says "One is coming who I am not worthy to untie his sandals". I carry the world in my heart and as a physical reminder because I know what it needs, Jesus Christ. I have heard about the suffering of those held in bondage and maybe in some way whether big or small I can help out.

I carry the world with me because I cannot forget about the way He came to save it and how we must go spread the good news.

All to God

1 comment:

  1. 1. you are SUPER muscular!
    2. you're going to do great things.
    3. it does look friggin' sweet.
