So I get there in the knick of time from Elizabeth City to join in with a doughnut and some coffee. Not ten minutes later it was time for the big shabang. It was enjoyable I loved seeing everyone there even if I didn't know about 3/4 of the crowd yet probably about 85% or more are in fact related to me. But I loved it, especially when the older women would stare at me to figure out who the heck I was because they just knew I looked so darn familiar. It must be nice to be older and feel free to stare for long periods of time just to figure out who someone is or who they belong too.
Anywho, I found that most of the speakers should have felt their calling in life to be comedians. They spoke about women in their lives and the crazy things they said or did and I looked at Katie and asked, "why have we never met these people?" Our little church holding something so big for the community of churches in our small town, I know this could turn into something that could impact the surrounding areas if only we would pray about it and prepare it. I loved being in the midst of so many women, most well above my age but don't let the human capsule fool you, they are just as youthful and quick as you and I.
So as I was listening, and yes I was listening I had an itch to draw on the program they gave us. So I did. So let me share.
I don't know it's little conferences like these that show me the potential in our little church. If only more voices could be heard a little clearer, some pretty sweet things could come of this. I love that little country church thats striving to reach it's community and eventually the world.
All to God
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