Monday, July 25, 2011

A blindfold and a few steps later...

All I want to say is when I was ten I gave my life to Christ. I was ten and the words "giving my life" to Christ were not really as apparent as they are now that I am older. Literally to give it away, freely, willingly, intentionally, without inhibition. To make the conscious decision that this is a big deal and knowing that no matter what age you are. Looking back, that ten year old made a seemingly scary decision. Looking forward from where I stand now,

she still made a scary decision, but it's so worth it.

Following someone who tells you to put your blindfold on and start walking at the age of ten sounds like stranger danger to me. This would be the case if Jesus were a stranger. But, alas, he is no stranger. I like to think that Jesus, at a young age, had to actually make the decision to be the Christ. He was tempted yes? He was fully human as well as God yes? Something in me believes that Jesus had to look at what he knew he was to become and accept it (as he did) or deny it. I think Jesus had his free will as does any of us, which I think makes Jesus a Savior in more ways than one. But the point is, it must have been one scary decision.

This is a point in my life (again) where I relate to Jesus on this matter. Here and now I take comfort in knowing that he knows what I am through because he experienced it here on earth. This is my Savior. The one who knows that the decisions I make though hard, can be for his Kingdom. That ten year old girl all those years ago probably couldn't imagine the future before her at the age of 21. 

Luke 9:62 "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God."
My hand is firm on the plow.

Thank you for your prayers and continued prayers. Thank you for the love, and the prayers on behalf of these people here. Thank you.

All to God

1 comment:

  1. I was able to baptize a girl this past week but I made sure to look her in the eye and ask, "Are you ready to give your life?" Awesome post my friend. Speaks truth.
